Welcome to the CorelDRAW QuickTour. I'm your host, Fiona Rochester.
Corel has since 1985 been an innovator and pioneer in the software industry.
The Corel QuickTour team has put together the following presentation. To help you discover the wonders of CorelDRAW 5.
To help you navigate through this broadcast, our roving reporter, Don Slaunwhite, files this report.
Thank You, Fiona.. I'm here outside Corel's Headquarters in Ottawa, Canada where we'll be taking a look at some of the wonders of CorelDRAW 5, and the people who brought it to you.
There are two sections to the QuickTour: One, the TV screen that you see here. This is where you will be viewing all of the animations and interviews.
Two, the Channel Guide. That is where you make the selection as to what interview or animation you wish to view.
Let's look at some of these buttons. The one in the upper left-hand corner will bring up the Channel Guide.
As well there are buttons for Play, Rewind, Pause and Stop.
Don't forget the options button. This will bring up a panel which will allow to choose if you want Closed Captioning, Volume and Speed Control.
If you ever have any problems, just look for a picture of Fiona.
Click on it and you will get additional help. As well, click on the right mouse button for context-sensitive help.
That's all for now! So open the Channel Guide and get started. We'll be seeing you later...